Monday, August 17, 2009

Jungle gets tough as fight for food breaks Friendship

Jungle gets tough as fight for food breaks Friendship

Marc, Chetan and Akashh the three best friends of Iss Jungle Se Mujhe Bachao always had a soft corner for Mona Vasu. They considered Mona as one of the boys and liked her company. But all this changed on one rainy day over nothing but a meager meal.

The pouring rain would hamper the campfire, so Marc requested for some cooked food to be sent since the lunch Anaida was cooking was not completely prepared. But all others except Marc, Chetan and Akashh took a few bites of the meal Anaida had cooked. And when the cooked food was sent, the others came running to eat it. All of them were happy to have eaten some good food, but also complimented Anaida’s preparation.

When the rains stopped, Marc, Chetan and Akashh realised that the food prepared in the camp was less as others had eaten without their knowledge, which led to an ugly argument. Anaida defended the situation by pointing out that she had asked Marc thrice if they don’t want the food she had prepared and that Marc didn’t bother since they were going to get cooked food.

The whole issue left a bad taste in Mona’s mouth as the three men accused her of cheating them in spite of being their friend. Mona was very upset, as she could not believe that her friends would question her integrity. The three men were in such a foul mood, that they refused to eat any dinner in spite of everyone requesting them to. Aakashh, Chetan and Marc now think that Mona is two faced and have decided to boycott her; they said, "Whenever we have our private talks, we will request her to move away from us."

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